Wednesday, January 30, 2013


This past Sunday at church, my pastor talked about distractions.  Of course he was speaking of things that distract us from God, but many of the things he mentioned could be distracting from other things in my life too.  He said that even things we love and enjoy could end up being a distraction to us....I didn't really get it at first...but then I understood.  For instance...I love and enjoy facebook.  I mean I really do!!! I don't post anything inappropriate...mostly song lyrics, inspiring quotes, and random thoughts.  I enjoy the fact that I have connected with people I haven't seen since 6th grade.  I enjoy reminiscing with people I knew, encouraging people I know, and connecting with people far away.  The problem is that when Pastor Mike said he asked God to reveal to him the things that were distracting him....I knew exactly what the number one answer for myself would be...FACEBOOK.  How sad and pathetic is that!!!  I am a Songpop ninja and I just started getting into Family Feud...only thing is I never really realized how much time all of that could take.  So...on an emotional whim (because I had just had a nasty fight with my husband) I mustered up the courage to deactivate my facebook account...with no warning to anyone...well I did let one person know...and I walked away.  It has only been 2 days...and I miss it!!!  I do plan to reopen it goal is to stay away for a month...and I seriously can't hardly wait!!!  I have realized though that I have spent alot more time these last two days doing much more productive things...My eyes don't feel as tired...I have gotten more sleep (oh my gosh is "gotten" a word????well I guess it is now!!!) and I feel much more rested.  I had no idea all the time I was spending on my home computer was effecting (Affecting??? You know what I mean!!!) my life!  It's funny how I have sat around in the evenings feeling like "what should I be doing right now?"...and it is at the time I would be on facebook.  So it was loud and clear to me, what was distracting me from my home...more time with my family...and it made me realize that my road to weight loss is also full of distractions too.  On every street corner I see a set of golden arches...don't even have to say the name of what I am referring to...we all know what the golden arches are...and it ain't my booty in a yellow polka dot bikini!!!  I live on the east side of town and the big shopping center is way on the west I take a main street to go shopping I pass (in this order) a Mexican food place, chinese food place, Pizza Hut, Wendy's, Domino's Pizza, Italian resteraunt, Thai food, BBQ place, chili dog stand, Perko's cafe, Burger King, (anyone hungry yet???) Jack in the box, Taco Bell, Rally's, and a few more places on the other side of the street!!! Let's see that's...1....2...3..14...14 places that I listed the names of...and many more I didn't list...Talk about distractions!!!  Why wouldn't I stop at one of those places if I'm hungry and have the money...I do stop at those places if I'm hungry and have the money...I want to go to one of those places now because I'm hungry and have the money!!!  But my weight loss road has to just go in the other direction...make my own path...find my own way.  Ever notice how really bad it smells when your driving by a fast food place??? Okay me be honest it smells like home to me...but if you really think about it it just smells like grease!!! And grease is the word...for obesity, high blood pressure, lack of energy...basically all the words I could use to describe my overall health...My cardiologist had me to do a stress test today (even though I'm pretty sure the last 10 years of my life have been a stress test!!!) When I was done he told me there was "nothing" wrong with my problem is I need to "lose weight and lose anxiety"...yes Dr. Behl but how do I do that???  Answer??? I just do it!  I muster up the courage (in some other way that does not invlove fighting with my husband) and I just do it...As the theme to "Rocky" starts to resonate in my ears I feel a new sense of something brewing up inside of me...and although I do not know what it is...I can feel that it's good...could this be it for me seriously or has closing my facebook made me insane??? Well more insane (insanity is not always bad and is sometimes necessary)...Is the buzzing in my head my dryer telling me the clothes are done or does it have anything to do with the fact that I didn't have nearly enough caffeine today??? And if I didn't have enough caffeine am I going to go down to the convenience store and get myself a nice cold Dr.Pepper??? Will the hero (heroin???) of this story be me???  Tune in tomorrow (or a couple of days from now) because the buzzing was my dryer...and I've got clothes to fold!!!

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