Thursday, January 31, 2013

Drumroll Please.......

244.  That's what I weigh today.  244.  The last time I weighed myself I was 246.  That was at the end of December.  Now I know two pounds isn't much...but it feels like a victory to me!  I read this thing that someone posted on facebook once (....sigh...facebook...) and it said that even if you lose 1/2 a pound a week for one year, at the end of the year you will be 26 pounds lighter!!!  Now that's a different way of looking at it right???  When I read it I said out loud "I never thought about it that way".  Would I like it to be more??? Abso-freakin-lutely...but I'll take 2 pounds...because it's 2 pounds in the right direction.  It took me a long time to put this weight I don't expect it to go away over night...but these two pounds has given me an extra motivational push...and that feels pretty good.  My day didn't start out with my being so motivated.  I got in my car this morning determined to eat breakfast at McDonald's (distractions, distractions) I drove there (in the opposite direction of the way I should go to work) and they were working on the parking lot of the shopping my usual entryway into the drive-thru was blocked off.  I drive out of the parking lot, around the corner to the opposite entry to the shopping center...AND IT WAS BLOCKED OFF!!! I knew there had to be a way to get in because there were several cars in the drive now about 10 minutes had passed by and I was going to be way late to work. I made an illegal U-turn and completely passed the only entry in to the McDonald's drive-thru!!!  My options were to turn around again (ridiculous by now) or drive away.  I took that as a sign for God that I should not eat breakfast there (so I went back for dinner...JUST KIDDING!!!HAHA!!!) but seriously, as much as I wanted it...I drove first I felt bummed...but after a few minutes I felt victorious!  I drove to work (about 20 minutes up the mountains) in a great mood, singing along to the music on the radio.  When I got to work I fixed myself a nice cup of strawberries and cream oatmeal (oatmeal has become one of my favorite things to eat...omg...never thought I would be saying that!!!)...and it satisfied me just fine...without the terrible "I'm such a hefer and I wish I wouldn't have eaten that" feeling.  For lunch I had a small bowl of soap that a co-worker made.  I snacked on cherry mist yogurt (which made me gag a little bit because it was sour...but I finished it) and around 3:00 I ate a little bit more of the soup.  For dinner I had chicken, macaroni salad and a LARGE piece of french bread...not as good as I could've done...but better than fast food (I least it felt better)...and the best part?? Making fresh squeezed lemonade with my baby girl for the very first makes me sad that she's 8 and we had never made fresh squeezed lemonade before...but I'm happy that we did it today...better late than never!  And I must say that it was the sweetest, most awesome lemonade I had ever had...thinking that's because my babygirl makes everything sweet (insert collective "AWWW" here) and because we had a pretty good conversation while we were doing it...(because when your 8 squeezing lemons just the right way is a big deal).  I also have not had a soda today (as my mouth waters just thinking about a Dr. Pepper) but I did sneak in a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup ( you would've turned it down) so that gave me a little bit of chocolate which hopefully will ward off the caffeiene headache that is absolutely going to haunt me soon (caffeine is a hell of a drug!!!)  I feel good...I feel motivated...I feel sleepy right now so I'm gonna say goodnight!!!

I am being motivated and uplifted by the song "Move" by MercyMe...and today when I abandoned my quest at McDonald's that was the song that was playing on the radio...and I smiled and turned it up LOUD!!!  So I encourage you to google it (or youtube it, or whatever else you can do these days to find it) and give it a will give you a deeper peek into how i am feeling today...but I must warn will want to dance...and there isn't a damn thing wrong with that!!! :o)

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