Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Happy Anniversary!

I don't think it is coincidence that I decided to check out my blog...and it happens to be almost a year to the day since my last post.  I believe in a higher power...and I believe that higher power brought me here.  So that I can reflect on what was.  To remind myself of goals that I had.  To show me how far I've come...and how far I still have to go.  I didn't realize how much I love to hear the clicking of the keys as my fingers give life to the words in my head.  It feels invigorating and liberating to me.  A deep breath and a "waiting to exhale" moment come over me and I think of how amazing it is that I got to rediscover this today.  I've missed my old bsp (Blog Spot Page) and I hope she has missed me too...because we are going to be spending a lot of time together.  I read somewhere once that "The pen is mightier than the sword."  The root of the word sword comes from Pronto-Indo-European "swer-" ...which means "to wound, to cut"...and when I think of how many things in my life have wounded and cut me I understand why I started this blog in the first place...but if you put pressure on the wound the bleeding stops...and eventually there is new skin where a hole used to be...and I'm glad that I can find comfort in that new skin.  So comfortable in fact that I do believe I'm going to pull up a chair and stay here with my bsp for awhile....and I'd love some join me if you will...

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