Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mind Your Business

Do you think it's true that if you free your mind the rest will follow?  Is every battle I face really a question of mind over matter?  If I believe it can I really achieve it?  I think so.  I really do think so.  I think so because of the fact that my thoughts, specifically my negative thoughts, consume me.  I figure if the bad stuff can be so powerful, then the good stuff has to be just as overwhelming right?  I am my own worst enemy.  I am my worst critic.  I am my biggest hater.  I'm learning that my weight and food choices are not my biggest demons.  They are the consequence of my biggest demons.  I had a pretty good childhood.  Grew up with a great brother and a group of some of the best cousins anyone could have.  My best memories are the ones I have of my family at my grandparents' house. It didn't have to be a special occasion (although you couldn't beat my grandpa's fresh carnitas at do I miss him) every day was a house filled with kids and fun.  We had each other and that was all we needed (well that and a credit account with the ice cream man...which our parents totally worked was pretty awesome!!!)  Sometimes I wish I could go back there...but we all know that I would need some plutonium and 1.21 gigawatts to do that...and let's face it...with this California weather lately a bolt of lightning isn't very probable... (If you know what I'm referring to by that then you are a blessed soul!!!)  So we get older...and our interests change...and we (well I anyway) experience things that the teenage mind doesn't understand but the adult mind cannot forget.  And as an adult I have allowed those things to cloud my mind, and influence me in ways that leave me wishing for a second (and third and fourth) chance.  The bad thing about that is that I have a lot of regrets...the good thing's not over yet (that rhymed because I am a lyrical genius!!!) Admitting I have a problem with binge eating was a good step...finally figuring out that that problem is deeper than just bad habits and bad choices is liberating!!!  I don't know where this revelation came from...I think it's been within reach the whole time...but I can see it now and I'm not afraid of it anymore.  I no longer need to punish myself for something that someone else did to me.  That is their burden to bear now because I am letting it go.  I encourage you to face it.  Face whatever it is that scares the hell out of you.  Look it straight in the eye and scare the hell out of it right back!  Find a support system.  Someone who you can trust to tell it all too...because if you hold anything back it doesn't work.  For me holding back turned in to years of binge eating and it got me to my heaviest weight of 262 pounds.  I don't know where I am right now...because I don't like the scale...but the last time I checked I was 233 so that is progress for sure.  I plan to weigh myself in a couple of see how I did in my 40 pounds by my 40th birthday goal.  I know I'm making (very slow!!!!) progress...but progress is progress and I'll take it.  Of course now that I am seeing things a little differently I imagine my efforts will have a little more umph behind them.  My thoughts consume it's time to adjust my thoughts...time to fix my eyes and my heart on what will be and take them off of what was...because what was was...and I can't do anything about that...The experiences of our past make us who we are today...but we do get to choose if it makes us better or worse...and well...why the hell would we not choose better?  And, as I run out of thoughts to put in the post I can hear my baby girl enjoying The Princess and the Frog on tv... "I'm almost there..." me too too!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

40 by 40

So it's safe to say I'm over it.  I'm over feeling like crap because of a bad decision I made.  I'm over it because the people I love are getting over it...and forgiveness is a beautiful thing.  At first I felt as if my getting over it and trying to go on like "normal" would be I didn't care enough to be remorseful.  Turns out that my getting back to normal is exactly what the "victims" of my thoughtless actions want from me.  Turns out that things getting back to normal is exactly what I want to.  Like I said forgiveness is a beautiful thing.  And because I can now see it again...the beauty in my more than ever...I need to get my control back.  So I have come up with my own campaign (if you will)...the "40 by 40 Project".  My 40th birthday is on November my gift to myself is to lose 40 pounds by the time I turn 40.  That gives me about 5 months...which I believe is do-able.  It gives me enough time to take my time and think about what I'm doing without the stress that would make me starve myself to reach my goals.  I want the results to last way past 40...but when I step onto that Grand Canyon Skywalk on my birthday I want to know that, not only did I go see something that my late great father said was the most amazing thing he's ever seen...but I will do it knowing that I finally "did it"...I finally set a weight loss goal and met it.  No excuses. No regrets.  Just results of hard work and dedication.  I will post more frequently than usual.  I will also weigh myself more regularly which I admit makes me nervous...but I don't think that getting on a scale should ever make me as anxious as it I am prepared to look that bitch right in the eye and say "you don't scare me"...and I'm looking forward to the day that I will actually mean it!  I am going to post some pictures...measurements...and all that good stuff so that you all can see my progress...and I can have one hell of a story when all of this is done.  Of course I don't want it to ever be done...but I don't want it to always be a struggle.  I will be seeing a counselor to maintain (or regain I should say!!!) a healthy mental state.  I won't compare myself to anyone or anything else...because I am just me and I'm good with that.  I have been doing well lately (well up until my point of total failure) and I can say I am proud of what I have accomplished.  Since November I have lost 25 pounds.  Not with consistent working at it but with sporadic efforts...but you know what...I'm better than that...and I deserve to give myself all I've got.  So 40 by 40 it is...and 40 by 40 it will be!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Food for Thought

Consider the consequences of your decisions.

I could stop right there and leave everyone with something to think about...but I have a little bit more to say than I'll go on.  I made a bad decision.  Did the wrong thing.  Chose the wrong path.  I won't say what it was right now (I know, I know!!!) because I'm not the only one involved...but, eventually, someday maybe, I will have the permission (and the balls) to admit to the world exactly what it is I'm referring to.  Until then I have to just keep it cryptic.  I'm not proud of what I did...and I'm not using this blog to boast.  I know it's nobody's business.  I also know that this blog is very therapeutic for me and I do feel better after I have hit the "publish" button, so I have decided to (sort of) put it out there.  I haven't felt as bad as I do now since I was a teenager (about 5 years ago... I wish!!!) and it's a sucky way to live.  Guilt is a mean, awful, monster...and she is doing a number on me right now.  I hurt people that I love by my actions...and you know what I'm getting for it??? Love.  That's right ladies (and gentlemen?) I am getting nothing but love in return.  What's wrong with that? Well nothing, if I could accept the love I'm getting.  Truth is at this point I don't feel worthy of anyone's love...and the unconditional, all consuming, enormous amounts of love I am getting thrown my way is making me feel worse!!!  So what am I doing about it??? Well this isn't called "The Double Chin Diaries" for I am eating the hell out of my overwhelming feelings of guilt.  These past few days have been the worst!  I feel like if I can eat (and eat, and eat) until I feel physically sick, then maybe my physical grow-dee-ness will surpass my emotional grow-dee-ness and I can feel better about myself.  Of course all of you know that doesn't work...and it really doesn't.  At this point I feel disgusted.  My self-esteem is at zilcho.  Can't stand to look at myself in the mirror...(right now your probably like "damn...what did she do", just remember that awful actions are in the eye of the maybe you wouldn't think it is worth all this...then again maybe you would be just as disgusted as I am and never read this blog again!) I always knew I was an emotional eater.  I didn't realize it was this bad...Every night I say to myself that tomorrow I'm gonna throw all of this negative energy into exercise instead of food...but so far that hasn't happened.  I am out of control at this point.  The good thing is I'm not keeping it a secret (obviously) and I am receiving support...the bad thing is the more support I get the more I want to eat.  Love isn't the only thing that's a battlefield right now my friends...and I'm a lover, not a I guess I'll just have to wait and see if victory will be mine...

Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer Breeze Makes Me Feel FIne

Sleepless nights suck big time donkey dong!!!  While I lay in bed tossing and turning to the melodic sounds of my husband and daughter's snoring (don't worry all of you who oppose to co-sleeping...she's only in our bed because she watched a Percy Jackson movie that freaked her out...not to mention the fact that, even though she's already 9...she'll always be my baby (word Mariah!) and darn it she can sleep with me if she wants to so there!!!) I couldn't sleep last night either. So today when I got home from church (cause you can use terms like "suck big time donkey dong" and believe in God all at the same time) I took a nice long nap which I guess was too long because now I can't sleep again!  Tomorrow I will be tired because I get up at 4:30 in the morning (my standing appointment time with Shawn T) in order to do everything I like to do before I wake my family to start their I'm not working tomorrow I will probably take a nap and the vicious cycle will go on and!!! I know why I can't sleep...I went to visit my dad's grave yesterday.  He's been in heaven now for over a year and it's probably been about a year since I've gone to the cemetery.  Every day when I left work I passed right by his house.  I never stopped and took the time for a quick hello or for one of his awesome hugs...I just drove by...waved at him if he was outside...and figured I would stop and visit some other time.  So for the longest time I felt like it was pointless to make the time and effort to go see his grave if I didn't do it while he was alive...but the truth is for months now I have been feeling like I needed to Saturday when I got off of work I stopped and took the time.  I pulled out of the driveway and turned left instead of right.  I made the extra effort to drive up the hill to the upper cemetery on the Rez.  I pulled up to the gate turned my car off and took a deep dad's grave is visible from where I parked my car and for a while I just sat there...almost convinced myself that that was enough...but I knew if I didn't get off of my car this feeling of needing to go wouldn't have been satisfied.  So I sucked it up and went right up to his grave.  I had nothing to say.  Nothing in my heart or on my mind. I just stood there.  Taking in the sight of where his body was laid to rest.  Reading the beautiful wooden cross that marks his grave.  It's still very unreal to me...and the fact that I didn't just break down and cry was strange as well.  I looked up and saw a I moved it over right next to the grave.  The day was so still.  There was no noise...none that I could hear anyway.  And even though I was surrounded by other people who's bodies found there resting place at that same cemetery it felt as if it was just he and I.  After awhile of sitting there in silence I said out loud (to him, to myself?) "So tell me how it feels live in total peace and total freedom."  and immediately a strong gust of wind came.  I lifted my head and closed my eyes and felt the cool breeze on my face.  I heard a wind chime in the distance playing the sweetest sound I had ever heard...and I knew deep down inside that that was him answering me...and as soon as the wind stopped I broke down and cried...and I haven't stopped crying yet.  But through my tears I have reflected on that precious moment that he gave to me and I have come to discover this. What my dad was telling me in the wind is that I don't have to wait until I am in heaven to experience total peace and total freedom...I can have that right now as I'm living.  I can live every day feeling the breeze on my face and hearing the wind chimes make music.  I can let go of the things that bother me (especially the things I have no control over) and I can fix the things that I do have control over.  The one thing I need to fix is how I eat when I'm in a hyper emotional state.  For me any elevated emotion is an avenue for eating crap.  On Saturday I had a huge rib eye steak with fries (yum...fries...) and a side of broccoli (that I did eat).  I had a huge Pepsi with at least a couple of refills...then at 10:00 at night I ate an Oreo Milkshake from Sonic (which made no boys came to the yard by the way...haha).  Sunday I ate half a cinnamon roll and two powdered donut holes for breakfast, a junior bacon cheeseburger with fries (there's that word again) and a soda and a chocolate frosty, and a Large Dr. Pepper with a beef flour taco for dinner.  As wonderful as my calorie-fest may sound...I did't enjoy a single bit of it.  To be honest (or TBH to all of you generation thumbers out there) I couldn't even tell you what any of it tasted like...because I was only stuffing my face to try to stop the tears for my dad...and guess what...the tears came down anyway.  My goal this week is to start finding peace and freedom from emotional eating, because I think that is my biggest obstacle in my journey.  So instead of reaching for a Dr. Pepper right now I think I'm just gonna let myself cry...and if that's not enough...I can always step outside and enjoy the breeze on my face...

Friday, May 30, 2014

Remember What?

The other day I read something that a friend of mine posted on instagram (because social media is the only thing to do this day and age) and I must admit that, at first read, I loved it.  A picture of a woman jogging with a beautiful landscape in front of her, and this is what it said:

My immediate reaction was "Yes! I'm stealing this!" and I imagined sharing it to everyone on my Facebook so that my friends who are also on a get healthy journey could be inspired by these powerful words.  However, when I had a chance to think it out (which happened while I was standing in the shower) I realized that there was no way that I can share this...because the words are powerful...but not in the right way.  Truth is I don't think any of us who are working on bettering ourselves need to be reminded of all the shitty ways making a bad choice can make us feel.  We know it.  We live it.  We deal with it.  While I am trying to lose weight and get my health back I need to be encouraged by the great things that are happening...not made to feel like a loser because I ate french fries (which...I will NEVER regret!!!)  Some days are good...and some days could be better...but all days are blessings....and blessings and curses are choices...and I choose to stay, feel, and believe that I am blessed.  So I choose to re-write this little ditty as an homage to my efforts...and to YOUR efforts too...because every little step we take (admit it...your singing it to...) counts in a big, big way.  And a Hershey's with Almonds now and then cannot erase the fact that day to day you (me, we) are getting better at this...(getting better at what?)...getting better at living!  So today I ask you to...

You don't have energy...BECAUSE YOU WALKED 2 MILES TODAY!
You're wishing you worked out...AGAIN?  YOU ALREADY WALKED 2 MILES!
(Stepping back and taking a good look....)  Yeah...that's better!

Monday, May 19, 2014

There's a Moon Out Tonight

I've been feeling really different lately.  I can't explain the difference as much as I can feel it.  The best way is to say that I'm enjoying life more.  I am appreciating every minute of my life and seeing it for what it is...a very special gift.  I'm learning that I really don't need to sweat the small stuff...and I don't need to sweat the big stuff either...because stuff (whether it be big or small) is going to happen...and sometimes it's gonna be good...and sometimes it's gonna be bad...but there is a 100% chance that "stuff" is always going to be so I'm trying to see things from a new perspective.  Trying to listen more than I speak (which is so flipping hard!!!) Trying to ask more questions so that I truly understand.  Trying to be more patient instead of being quick to tell somebody to (ahem) "F- all the way off!!!" (which I am ashamed to admit I have done more than once.)  I started out by telling myself I can teach my daughter so much by showing her how her mom can keep it together...but I'm also learning that teaching her how to deal with things when they fall apart is even more valuable.  So as I travel on this road of self discovery I would like to touch on a subject every man loves to talk about (tag James Blaylock!) - menstruation.  I hate to be on my period.  I hate the pain and the discomfort and the other things that go along with it that I will not get into because living it is enough!  But when I heard someone once refer to their period as being on their "moon" I was impressed to research and learn exactly what that meant.  For those of you that don't know I am Native American Indian.  My dad belonged to the Tule River Tribe.  I am not an "enrolled" member of the tribe...and I won't pretend to know everything about it because I don't know much.  I didn't grow up on the reservation, I was brought up in a Mexican home...but I will tell you that when I started my job on that reservation it felt like home to me.  I love the people (my people), I love the traditions (my traditions), and I love the feeling I get when I am on the land (my land).  When I first started my job I didn't know if I would fit dad always told me not to forget who I am, and that helped a lot.  I am proud of my history.  Now as an adult it is up to me to learn what I missed out on all these that I can teach my daughter...and she can teach her daughter too.  So I can make the tribe part of my present and part of my future, not just part of a past that I lost.  So of course researching menstruation and Native American culture was very interesting.  I wasn't sure if I was going to find much but I was glad I did.  I don't know if the things I read vary based on beliefs of different tribes but what I learned is that there is a beautiful way to look at this very natural part of a woman's life that many refer to as a curse.  I'm not going to site my sources here...because I'm not quite sure of them all...but I am paraphrasing most things I learned...and I do not own anything that is not originally mine (that disclaimer out of the way we will move on...)  One web-site I looked on referred to moon-time as "A place of honor and beauty (Does anyone else from generation x remember that song "Things That Make You Go Hmmm???)  So I read on to find out that moon time is a way to replenish a woman by washing away all of the burdens that she carries.  It is a combination of Grandmother Ocean and Grandmother Moon working together to help to purify us and during that time we embody the power of the moon.  (Awesome-ness!!!) Of course this means we must be careful because any lesser power will flow to us as a stronger power during that we have to be mindful not to get into arguments and things that will attract negative power.  Now, I don't know about you, but I absolutely love this belief, and I will incorporate it into my life from this cycle on (yes...I realize I just told everyone in the world that I'm on my period...) but I don't consider that a bad thing anymore.  I will consider it a blessing to be able to harness that power and pray, and learn what I need to learn, and discipline myself to stay away from things that threaten that power.  How does this all relate to my eating habits?  Well truth is when it's my moon-time I eat chocolate...and a lot of it!!!  I noticed today that I also use this time as an excuse to pretty much indulge in whatever I want...because I have an "excuse"...but what I have learned in my studies is that I am not honoring myself by practicing those behaviors...and surely the power of the moon is stronger than the power of a craving for a Hershey's with almonds (or two...or three...)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

What Is Love?

When I love something I love it and that's it.  Sometimes I love it to life...sometimes I love it to death...and if you've ever loved something so much that you feel like you're going to explode then you know exactly what I mean by that.  When does enough become enough?  When does too much feel like too much?  When it comes to love, can it ever really be a bad thing?  Yeah.  I think so.  It depends on what it is your loving.  It depends on whether or not what you're loving is able, and more importantly, willing to love you back.  I believe that love given must be reciprocated at some point in time...or it's not healthy. It's not healthy because even if you give and give and give love and never get any back you can't ever run out.  Meaning you can continue to give and give and give because it doesn't go away.  And love makes you do things that you don't think through...and sometimes it makes you desperate...and sometimes it makes you shameless...and none of those words I just used should ever be as a result of love.  Not real love.  Not "love never fails" love.  So if it isn't love, then what is it?  I think it can be memories.  I think it can be the longing of times or feelings past.  I think it can be the wishing and desperation for that thing that you love to maybe, just maybe, be able to show you love back.  But let's face it, that doesn't happen.  And there is no way we can make it happen.  Because if it isn't then it just isn't.  So how does all of this apply to my diet/weight loss journey?  Well...I've been indulging a lot this past week.  I know why.  No emotional binges crazy excuses...I've just been really busy...and busy equals fast food in my life.  At the beginning of the week I felt disgusted by what I was eating (because God forbid I ever eat a SALAD from a place where I can get a good cheeseburger)  but right now as I finished my bowl of chocolate chip cookies with vanilla ice cream I thought to myself "I love to eat this food"...but you know what...that's a lie.  I don't love it...I don't even like it anymore...and that's what I love.  Food can't love me like I can love me...and I do...I love me.  I love how I can tie my shoes now.  I love that I can finish a T25 workout and not feel like I'm dying.  I love that I can do 125 squats at one time....I love me...and that's the kind of love that never fails.  Even when I have bas food choice days...of which I have had plenty of this past week...I can love me anyway...and that is the sweetest victory.  In the words of the late great Miss Whitney Houston learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all (I love the fact that I grew up in the 80's!!!) 

As I was typing this post I had to leave to pick up my niece (who is the coolest girl on the planet) but sucked cause I lost my train of thought.  As I read it back though I have to admit I wonder what all of this love talk is really about...and as I reflect on my day I can't think of anything that would provoke these thoughts other than what I've already talked about...but...if I come up with something else I will definitely let you know!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hello...I've Missed You!!!

Forgive me followers for I have let you down!!!  It's been months and months since my last "confession" and I've missed it so much.  I could give you a million excuses why, make up some cool stuff, but the real reason is pretty lame.  My computer was broken.  That's it.  It was old and just kept getting slower and slower (wow that sounds too familiar!!!) and one day it just hit the dusty trail (like my dad used to say.)  I tried to blog on my tablet a few times but for some reason that was just a very frustrating experience for I gave up for awhile.  But today my beautiful niece, who I call my sister, who I love like a daughter, gave me a new laptop for mother's day!  Now she's 12 and she doesn't have a job so I'm figuring she didn't pay for it...but I am so grateful...because now it brings me back to you!!! much to say....not sure where to begin.  So when we last left off I had a trainer...yeah...not anymore.  Don't get me wrong...I love him and his work.  I hated going there but loved what I accomplished once we were done.  The problem is I started working part time so I could help my daughter with her school work...and well...something had to be eliminated from the monthly bills.  Against my husband's wishes I stopped going to the trainer and decided to save that $140 per month.  I have since continued to exercise...although I admit not as hard core...but I am staying motivated.  I would love to give you a weight update but I haven't weighed myself in awhile. My clothes are getting more and more loose on me so I'll take that as a good sign.  I've gone through lazy days and days with overflowing motivation.  I've been pleased with myself some days then went through periods of extreme self degradation. (Hey that rhymed...word jazz...)  And through it all the truth remains...losing weight is hard to's not impossible.  I started doing T25 (does any one know if Shawn T is gay...not that it matters...just wondering) and I like that work out a lot.  I'm also doing something called a "guns, buns, and abs" challenge for 30 days of which I am on day the words of Tai Frasier (see Clueless) buns...they don't feel nothin' like steel...but that's okay because I imagine by the end of the challenge that will be different.  And f course I always have to throw a Zumba class in there at least a couple times a week because #1 I love it and #2 I love it!!!  I am blessed to be alive today...but I am even more blessed that I feel alive today...and there is a big difference between the two!!!